LEAF Final Report LEAF Project Title:*Name(s) of Primary Investigator(s):*Name(s) of Co-investigator(s):*Provide a summary of the project:*Provide the course code(s) and corresponding student enrolment number(s) engaged with your LEAF project. Please be specific about the academic term(s) during which these course codes apply (e.g. Fall 2020, Winter 2021):*Describe the main outcomes of the project:*Describe the main successes and challenges of the project, particularly any unforeseen obstacles to the project’s completion and resulting modifications to the original project plan:*What were you aiming to accomplish with this project? Specifically, describe the assessment or evaluation methods undertaken to determine the effectiveness of the project, the factors considered in determining the success of the initiative, and a summary of the project results in relation to both:*Approximately how many undergraduate students were impacted by your initiative in the past three (3) years?Please indicate any additional metrics that pertain to your LEAF project. For example, your LEAF project may have involved the creation of new experiential learning opportunities with external partners. As such, an additional metric could be the number of new external partnerships created over "x" academic terms (If you do not have any additional metrics to report, please write "none").*One of the ways we assess LEAF projects is their sustainability beyond LEAF funding. What are the next steps to continue your LEAF project? Will the project be integrated into your program’s curriculum, if applicable? If not, please outline the reason(s).*Budget: Include a copy of the project’s final expenditures, by year, and use the space below to comment on the sufficiency of funds and/or indicate any significant alternations from the original budget submission:*Final Budget Upload*Max. file size: 100 MB.If one of the stated goals of the project was the production of materials for dissemination within the University community, please include, with explanatory language, as an appendix to this report:*The OVPIUE is developing a repository of grant-funded project profiles to showcase on its website. Could you please provide a project description to share on our website, that would be appropriate for a non-specialist audience?*Maximum 300 words; please include the following sub-headings: Project Overview, Project OutcomesProject Resources (optional)Please feel free to include websites, outputs, or other resources created with your project.Please indicate the main goals of your project (select as many as appropriate). Course-Level Review & Enhancement E-Module Development & Enhancement Educational Technology Development & Integration Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility (EDIA) Initiatives Experiential Learning Faculty Engagement & Professional Development Faculty Resource Development Generative AI Indigenous Initiatives Pedagogical Innovation Program-Level Curriculum Review & Enhancement Student Engagement Initiatives Photo: if you have a photo from your project that you would like included with your project profile, please upload it here.Max. file size: 100 MB.Additional File UploadMax. file size: 100 MB.CAPTCHA